There are different kinds of dentures, but they all share a common function. They replace teeth that have become loose or have been lost due to bone loss. When bone loss around the roots of teeth has become great enough to loosen them or let them fall out, it's time for dentures. No one enjoys losing their natural teeth, but with the help of partial dentures, you can soon start eating and talking regularly again in no time.
Our dentists will examine your entire mouth and determine as to which teeth will have to be removed and which will remain. The loose teeth are then extracted. Dentures are fitted to go over or around the teeth that remain in your mouth, depending on the type. There is an adjustment period after dentures are placed in your mouth, and it may take some time for you to get used to them. But once accustomed to the dentures, one can get back to their usual routine. Often implants can be used to further stabilize the dentures.